FinDecision Submission
Loan Prospector Key Identifier
Loan Prospector Loan Identifier
DU Casefile ID
Freddie Mac
Building Status Type
GSE Property Type
Property Ownership Type
Property Appraised Value
Property Category Type
Property Existing Lien
Lender Processing Point
Property Estimated Value
Appraisal Waiver - Reps and Warrants
Fannie Mae
DU Status
Appraisal Waiver
Income Validation
Asset Validation
Freddie Mac
LPA Status
Credit Risk Classification
Appraisal Waiver
Document Risk Classification
Collateral Reps and Warrant
Income Reps and Warrant
Asset Reps and Warrant
Fannie Mae
Community Lending
Community Seconds
Fannie Mae Neighbors Eligibility
FNM Community Lending Product
Community Seconds Repayment Structure
Secondary Financing Refi Ind
FRE Cash Out Amount
FRE Offering Identifier
Negative Amortization Type
ARM Index Type (FRE Selection)
Case State Type
Credit Provider Name
Credit Reference Number
Dual AUS
FinDecision Response
Order Details
Last Ordered By
Last Ordered Date